We all know the terrors of teething! Your little one will chew just about anything to help those toothy-pegs cut through. This ‘What Can I Chew Next’ bib is the perfect funny bib to help your teething tot while putting a smile on everyone’s faces.
- Stylish bandana shaped bib.
- Gathered neck catches all dribble, protects against drool rash and keeps outfits dry underneath.
- Made from two layers; Top layer is soft, 100% put cotton. This makes them comfy to wear and kind to baby’s skin. Bottom layer is absorbent fleece that keeps babies and toddlers drier for longer.
- No scratchy waterproof layer.
- Adjustable nickel free popper snaps to neatly fit new born age to toddlers.
- Bibs stay comfortably in place.
- Secure fastening makes it difficult for baby to pull off.
- Washes well and retains shape.
- High quality – stays looking good long after purchase.
- Machine washable.
- Tumble dry on cool setting